Don't Let Back Pain Get You Down!!

Don't Let Back Pain Get You Down!!
Don't Let Back Pain Get You Down!!

It's time to take action. Don't spend months, or even years, trying to cope with your back pain symptoms.

Visit us at Cross Bay Regenerative and get to the root cause of your back pain. Dr. Bieber uses many traditional and innovative techniques to help you get rid of your nagging back pain.

Take the quiz below to see if you too can be helped to get rid of your back pain!

Back Pain Got You Down?

1. Where is your pain the worst?

  • In my back, above my waistline or higher (back dominant).
  • In my butt or legs (leg dominant).

2. Is your pain constant? Does it ever stop, even for a moment?

  • My pain never stops, it is always present (constant).
  • There are times when my pain does vanish completely (intermittent).

3. Does your pain get worse when bending forward or backward?

  • My pain is at its worst when bending forward.
  • My pain is at its worst when bending backward.
  • My pain feels about the same with any sort of movement.

4. Does your pain get worse when sitting or standing?

  • My pain is always worsened by sitting.
  • My pain is always worsened by standing or walking around.

5. If you have any of the above symptoms:

  • Call or Text Dr. Bieber Now at

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