Prp Alopecia

  • PRP Hair Therapy (New York)

    PRP Hair Therapy (New York)

    One of the root causes of hair loss is damaged hair follicles. Because hair follicles are damaged, they can no longer produce the same amount of hair strands as before, which results in hair loss conditions such as alopecia, male and female pattern baldness, and different forms of hair thinning.

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  • PRP + ACell Hair Growth Therapy

    PRP + ACell Hair Growth Therapy

    The advancements in modern medicine make it possible to naturally grow new hair. With PRP + ACell, a form of Stem Cells, hair follicles rejuvenate and are able again to produce new hair strands. This form of Cell Therapy increase strands of hair in many hair follicles helping produce thicker hair covering more of the scalp.

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